NP26 digital

You can read New Philosopher via the Flipbook below (scroll down to the bottom of the page). The Flipbook is intended to be straightforward to use, but nonetheless we have included some information below about how to use various functions.

> Best viewed in Full screen mode on a desktop or laptop – click the Full Screen icon (a box, it sits next to the “100%”) at the bottom of the Flipbook. Press the ‘Escape’ (esc) button on your keyboard to exit full screen mode;

> Navigate to articles via the thumbnails at the bottom of the page;

> To enlarge text, click on the part of the page you want to enlarge. Clicking a second time will shrink it once more;

> Once you have zoomed in, you can click, hold, and drag to move around the page;

> Further instructions for first-time users about the various Flipbook functions can be found below – scroll down to the bottom of this page.


: click on the single page icon for better viewing on tablets and smartphones, and scroll down to view the pages.


   Use the zoom factor to enlarge or shrink the pages.



: in flipbook (double-page) mode, click the arrows to navigate through the pages or click on the corners of the pages. Click on any area to zoom in and out.


: click the full screen button to enlarge the digital version (fullscreen not available on smartphones).


: use the search function to search for author’s names or words in the magazine (not available on tablets or smartphones).
