

Subscriptions: Should you have any queries about your subscription, please contact us by logging in to your profile using your email address: https://www.newphilosopher.com/sign-in/. Once logged in you can send a message, update your address, and access subscriber-only articles. If you have trouble logging in, see Current subscriber queries below. If you’re not currently a subscriber, please see answers to common queries below.



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Subscription/store queries:

Subscription prices: please see prices here: https://www.newphilosopher.com/subscribe/

Purchasing back issues: you can purchase digital and print back issues here: https://www.newphilosopher.com/shop/. Back issues are sent weekly from the UK (to the UK, US, EU, Canada, NZ, Asia, Middle East, South America, Africa) and every 10 days from Australia (to Australian addresses). Note that the mail is running more slowly due to problems associated with the pandemic. There is no tracking on orders, which are sent by regular mail.

Digital subscription: includes those issues that fall during your subscription (back issues purchased separately). You can subscribe here: https://www.newphilosopher.com/subscribe/

Frequency: the magazine is produced quarterly in February, May, August, and November, with the magazine printed in Australia. International (ex-Australia) copies are sent from the UK, so they are sent approximately six weeks later.

Gift subscriptions: If the recipient’s email address is already registered with us you won’t be able to use it to complete a gift subscription – the best option is to use a dummy email address or to take out a regular subscription, with your name in the First Name field and the recipient’s name in the Surname field: https://www.newphilosopher.com/subscribe/. You can download a gift card here to send to the gift recipient.

Message about a profile having been created: You received this as you have been gifted a subscription to the magazine – the gift giver will be in touch shortly with more details.

Digital password doesn’t work: please make sure there are no spaces before or after the password when you copy it.

Paypal: all orders outside Australia are processed via Paypal. We will send your order to the address you enter on the form on our website, not the address on your Paypal account.



Current subscriber queries:

– Changing address: please log in to your profile here: https://www.newphilosopher.com/sign-in/

– Start edition: your subscription will start from the issue you selected (current or next). To see your start edition you can log in to your profile here: https://www.newphilosopher.com/sign-in/

– First edition: your first edition will be sent from Australia if you’re based in Australia, and from the UK for the rest of the world. Subscriber copies are sent weekly from Australia for Australian addresses and from the UK for the rest of the world.

– Login problems/password resets: There are sometimes issues with receiving automated emails to Gmail accounts due their filters. Please contact us using subscribe|at|newphilosopher.com if you have trouble logging in.

Non-receipt of item/damaged item/refunds: see details here: https://www.newphilosopher.com/products-page/delivery-returns/


Other queries

– Contributions/internships: all articles and illustrations are completed by our team around a theme for each edition, and we don’t currently have any internships available.

– Partnerships: please contact Alicia using ab|at|newphilosopher.com to discuss partnership opportunities.
